Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Great & Nice job!!

Well, there's some part that i agree with, and there's some part that i disagree. But now i totally 100% agree with what Namewee stated earlier in the facebook.

Namewee stated that in his facebook earlier just now, that is good thing's for the NGO(PERKASA) protess about the racist issue but they SHOULDN'T burned picture by affirming that it's just a peaceful protess?

Well....Malaysia been a democratic country? It's good that some of the people protess however in the end, they must give an memorandum or discuss the issue with close-door meeting.

YOU(perkasa) GUYS WIN ALREADY. I can't go buy album at the college later.

Like below note^^
Note* A group of racists going after a racist for being racist by being racist. by Croniq(Malaysiakini)