Monday, August 16, 2010

Respect or neglect...

I more on positive mood's!! Dont know why i become/be that kind of attitude? I'm kind of lost, i mean(confuse)about everything. My lifesytle, eating habits, daily routine and mostly my tight budget!

So, last saturday my housemate and i hunt for a movie title as "The expandable's" quite nice though it's a bit brutal. The story goes about the secret agent hired by the u.s goverment, "The expandable's" assasinate all the enemy without any mercy. They thought that oposite enemy as "world terrorist" so, the end they killed all the enenmy without any mercy.

Life's full of miracle.....we can't even know what will happend later/tomorrow or future. We(human being) must respect all other race's/religion, otherwise there would be more war against each of us. Consequences of the war.....poverty more than wealth, while dissease more than health can exist in our world.

Change to main topic(respect or neglect)......

Do you respect other privacy? Do you respect other opinion? Do you respect other attitude? No, isn't it?

Same goes for always, when i done something either work or home, i always ask other advice. Do you agree? Do you accept this concept? DO you like this? What goes around will comes around your side. Respect people are the precious gift because you have meet the situation, that's why you accept people. Do you like people neglect you because of your race? your religion? Is is very simple, try not be your own statisfaction and let the suffervocate lead your in the end. So which one are you? Respect or neglect?